Pastor’s Year End Report 2016

“Though you have not seen him, you love him. Though you do not now see him, you believe in him and rejoice with joy that is inexpressible and filled with glory.” 1 Peter 1:8

One word for this year; joy!

Joy in knowing that I have a Father in heaven who knows absolutely everything I’m going through. And not only that He knows, but He’s using it to conform me more and more into the likeness of His Son.

Joy in serving with the people of Community Baptist Church. This has been a trying year for Bonnie and I. Along with being quite sick for most of the year and not being able to serve as much, or as effectively as we’d like, I am filled with joy as I observe so many stepping up and stepping in, to do what I’m not able to do.

Joy in seeing how God is growing the church as we’ve welcomed several new faces over the year. Yes, we’ve said good bye to some, but I’m encouraged by the way God brings in others who love the Lord and have a heart to serve.

Joy in seeing a young lady come to the Lord, through the witness of a friend, and step forward in obedience in baptism.

Joy as we commissioned Lorraine and Kgotso to ministry in South Africa and Lesotho, and to see their joy, and rejoice with them, as they welcomed little Onalenna into the world.

Joy in the generosity of this church family who, through their generosity, we have been able to send large amounts of support to Lorraine and Kgotso, and to the Keres and Klockenga families for the work in Cat Lake.

Joy in being able to do what I love. People ask where I work and I can honestly say; “I don’t work, I have the privilege of being a pastor to a great little church in Murillo; it’s not work.”

Joy in having a loving, caring, encouraging, wife who loves me and loves God. I can’t begin to thank God enough for giving me a wife who is in it for the long haul and stays strong in Him.

And so, I rejoice with profound joy that is beyond the power of words to express. And besides that, it is a joy that is filled with glory, filled with the blessings of God that transcends all earthly things. Indeed, it has been a challenging year with all of my health struggles and yet, in spite of my weakness, His grace has been sufficient and His power has shown through in my weakness. We have a great little church that doesn’t always, or only, rely on the pastor to run the church or get things done; everyone contributes and the church grows because each one does their part.

I have to thank God for the number of men He’s placed in this church who can step behind the pulpit and bring the Word of God to the congregation; some on very, very, short notice.

I’m thankful for Linda who has taken on the task of secretary and graciously prompts us to get things done while getting a lot of things done herself.

I’m thankful for the members of the Official Board who are planning and promoting all of our various events, activities, programs, and teaching. We might not do it all “perfectly”, but each and every member has a desire to follow God’s leading and direction for His church.

And so, not knowing how things will play out with this adventure of a kidney transplant looming in the near future, I’m thankful for this past year and how through sickness, God has shown the Deacons and myself that, if and when I am absent for a transplant, the work here goes on for the praise of His glory.

My plan, after seeking His direction this past fall on my retreat, is to, through His Word, help make us more in awe of Him than we are of the things of this world. There are many things in this world that we use and enjoy, but those things are to point us, in awe, of the One who gave them to us.

So, especially thinking that through for the coming year, my plan is to do a series on awe. Awe inspires us to see the worth of God and live in reverential fear of the One who is our Lord and Saviour.

Sin blinds us to the glory of God and because we are blind, it can cause us to live without awe. But, there really is a God who is the Creator and Sustainer of all things, the God, who is the sum and definition of all that is good, true, and loving. But praise Him, He is not only good, He places His goodness on us as we place our faith in Him! We have His goodness, not because we deserve it in any way, but simply because He is good, gracious, loving, and kind.

Think about it. The One who is the sum of all that is truly good has placed his goodness on people like you and me. Joy, joy, joy!