As I sit and ponder the first half of our summer season, I can't help but feel the goodness and the greatness of our God and Father. He is good, but as I had my prayer time, a question came to mind; "is God great because life is good? Or; "is life good because God is great?"
It is so easy for us to say we love God, so easy for us to sing praises to Him when things are going our way, when life is good. But do we, do I really love Him? Would the smile be wiped off my face if tragedy struck? I think it would but, it's not about the smile, it's about the heart. Would my heart still be singing the greatness of God? I think it would. But so many don't know the God of the Bible that when tragedy, turmoil, or even just having a "bad" day comes along, they let go of God and immediately grab for what they do know. Often that is the same things the world grabs for but we know that what the world grabs for is fleeting and won't last.
We need to know, intimately know, that Great God and Saviour, our Lord Jesus Christ when trouble comes remembering that it is He who said; "in this world we will have tribulation, but take heart, I have overcome the world."
We are "overcomers" only as we place our faith and trust in Him.