Year End 2012

“I give thanks to my God always for you because of the grace of God that was given you in Christ Jesus, that in every way you were enriched in him in all speech and all knowledge - even as the testimony about Christ was confirmed among you - so that you are not lacking in any spiritual gift, as you wait for the revealing of our Lord Jesus Christ, who will sustain you to the end, guiltless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.” 1 Cor 1:4-9

Nearing the end of 2012, as I did some reflection, I couldn’t help but give praise to our Great and Awesome God and Saviour for how He continues to bless our little church. And it is to Him we give all the glory because without Him we are lost.

Personally, I know that it was He who carried me through some pretty rough times health-wise in 2012. And I also have to praise Him for how he prepares me to minister to this church. I’ve gone through many things, I truly believe, to receive the messages to pass on to His Church week after week.

There is much work to be done on a weekly basis in preparation of lessons and devotionals and sermons, besides the scheduled and unscheduled counselling appointments and meetings. And along with all of that comes the demands of a husband, father, and grandfather. I can honestly say that if I were to take my eyes off of Him, and start to rely on my own strength to make it through the week, I would sink as fast as the Apostle Peter when he took his eyes off Jesus walking across the lake. Day after day, He graciously lets me know that I can do all things in Him, and only in Him, because He is the One who gives me strength.

It truly was a tough year health wise, but I am thankful that we have many hands to pitch in and make the work lighter. I have seen a good number of churches that rely on the Pastor to do everything, and though I often comment on how busy I am, I am staying busy more and more in the things a Pastor should be busy in and with.
I appreciate the number of people who are concerned that I am too busy, but I don’t think any church would want a Pastor to not be busy.

So, all of that to say; thank you, each and every one of my fellow workers in Christ, thank you all so very much! Thank you for your concern, and thanks be to God that we have a church that is concerned with people and their hearts.

I know that this time of year, everyone looks to the Pastor to give his vision or goals for the church. I’ll be honest and say that the more I rack my brain, and search my heart, the more and more confused I am by that request. It’s not that I don’t have vision or think that we shouldn’t, but, I don’t think our vision has changed; it remains the same; to glorify God through our worship, and the discipling of people young and old, and building relationships with one another, all with our eyes on the Great Commission; reaching the world with the love of Christ through the proclamation of His Gospel.

But how do we do that? Well, I want to encourage every ministry and committee, and each individual in our church, to think about how they are going to accomplish that in 2013 in each of their own contexts. I have some goals for myself personally, and I have some goals for our Deacon’s Board. And one of those goals is to meet with our ministry leaders and challenge them to look at their areas of ministry and let us know what they’re dreaming, and what they’d like to see happen this year. Then, let’s all work together to accomplish those goals.

We measure a lot of our success after a year has gone by, and quite often we see that the year slips by so quickly as one day runs into the next and one week rolls over to another, and when we get to the end of a year, we haven’t gotten nearly as much as we set out to do, done. But my challenge is; let’s do something.
Every one of us can think of, and commit to doing something that would glorify God in any or all of those areas in our vision.

And so, as we look with excitement at a whole new year ahead of us we can be excited. Whether it’s looking forward to the arrival of a little one into the world, or two people beginning a life together, becoming one, and looking excitedly at what that means in the context of a God ordained marriage. Some may be looking ahead to starting school or college, some to finishing and starting a career, some to finishing one; some wondering if they’ll have a career after the dust settles with the way the economy is bouncing around. Some people will be looking ahead, hoping the New Year will bring better things than the old, as sickness, tragedy, and sorrow prevailed.

Thing is, everyone; everyone, is affected by all of the above. This past year I talked with moms and dads about their children leaving for school for the first time, I performed weddings, visited the sick (and was “the sick”), officiated funeral, no one is immune.

The old year is over, it has left some with many dear and cherished memories, some with bitter heartache, and as promising as this New Year looks, it too will be old oh so quickly. But again, this division gives us an opportunity to take a breath and look at every New Year with hope, hope that comes because we have a Good God.

We will have times of sorrow; we will be hurt, we will be sick. But, we will be over-comers only as we look, and continue to look, to Him, the Author and Finisher of our Faith. We have a God who is faithful, He was faithful in the past, He is faithful now, and He will continue to be faithful in the future. Always faithful to His promises and that’s what I’ve seen very clearly in 2012, and that’s what I expect to see in 2013; God’s faithfulness to us as we simply continue to do what He has called us to do.

And we know that He has called us to be a Christ-like, Christ-exalting, Spirit-filled, people who love God, and one another, who know they have been forgiven and are going out into this lost and hurting world that is ravaged by sin, with the message of the Gospel that brings forgiveness, healing, peace, joy, love, and hope.

To do that with a renewed passion we need, more than ever, a fresh outpouring of His Spirit upon us, let’s pray hard to that end and watch in amazement at what the Lord will do with His wonderful little Church in Murillo!