“He has caused us to be born again
to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an
inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for
you.” —1 Peter
“It was the best
of times…”
and, the author continues; “it was the worst of times. It was the age of
wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the
epoch of incredulity (disbelief), it was the season of light, it was the season
of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.” I
think that pretty much covers it and that was written by Charles Dickens in the
mid 1800’s about what was happening in the late 1700’s. I think it’s a story
that fits a lot of epochs or times, even where we live today. But I was
reminded of who it is that has all this in the proper perspective as I was
listening to an old Casting Crowns song this morning that says; “the world’s
not falling apart, it’s falling into place…” God’s got it!
Some of us, over
the past year for sure, have felt like it’s
falling apart, but with the King who is sovereign over all of life, it’s simply
falling into place. I’m not saying in any way that life hasn’t been hard for
many of us over the last year, but I just find so much hope in the Gospel of God’s
grace. The rest of that song’s verse says; “So when you're on your knees and
answers seem so far away, you're not alone, stop holding on and just be held.”
I am thankful for
the many opportunities God has given us to “just be held” in 2023. We’ve
grieved together over the death of a dear friend, our sister in Christ, Marnie.
She will continue to be missed around here but we rejoice that she is now in glory
with her Saviour! As a family we continue to live in, and through, hardship and
difficult trials. Whether it be illness or relational struggles, we have the
great privilege to go into the throne room of heaven and approach the throne of
grace for the help we all need as we lift one another up in prayer.
We also rejoice as
we witnessed 4 young ladies (Emma, Olivia, Julia, and Heidi) step into the
waters of baptism in 2023, proclaiming that Jesus has saved them. It’s a sign
of their love for Jesus, and their commitment to follow Him in newness of life!
We also rejoice in seeing a young couple (Jaako and Ashlin) joined together by
God, in holy matrimony. And we are also waiting expectantly along with another
young couple (Daniel and Janika), expecting their first little addition to their
family very, very soon!
Over all, I’m very
excited about what the Lord is doing in the lives of young people in our little
church family. There seems to be a hunger for the Word that has the younger getting
involved and active in ministering to their Church family in many, many, ways. From
preaching to teaching to holding positions on the Official Board and Deacon’s
Board. The average age of the Deacon’s Board has dropped from about 65 down to 50
over the last 2 years. The Official Board average age is less than 45! The
future of the Church looks bright as the older make way!
And now, with many
unknowns ahead of us as we enter the new year, especially with my cancer
diagnosis, we might wonder what things might look like “tomorrow”. So I am so
very thankful we are where we are and we can trust that “things are falling
into” exactly the place they’re supposed to and we can have the peace of God
that passes all our understanding in the unknown as we trust that He is the one
who holds our tomorrow and every day until we are with Him in eternity.
So, I end this
year end report simply rejoicing in Christ for all He has done for us this past
year, and excited as we look forward to another year of serving Him!
“Whatever you do,
work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you
will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.”
~ Colossians 3:23-2
Pastor Anthony