Year End Report 2011

“For what we proclaim is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, with ourselves as your servants for Jesus' sake. For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.”” – 2 Corinthians 4:5-6

This was what would be called by some, a big year for me. I have enjoyed using Gerald’s other kidney for 10 years now; Bonnie and I celebrated being married for an incredible and amazing and wonderful (and I should stop because she probably won’t even read this) and great 30 years. I am truly thankful for a wife and family that encourage me and once in a while let me know they still need me! And, I have also reached the “Big Five-O” which really only means that I get to talk about my aches and pains and other bodily functions or dysfunctions legitimately now! God is good!

The Apostle Paul talks about how the Body functions quite a bit in many of his letters and 1 Corinthians 12 comes to mind, most notably verses 25 and 26: “that there may be no division in the body, but that the members may have the same care for one another. If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honoured, all rejoice together.”

In any given year, and during any given week, and on any given day, any of us can get a call, or visit a doctor, or face a boss and not know what lies ahead; will it be good news that we can rejoice in, or will it be bad news that will lead to suffering?

Every December we face the beginning of a New Year. And every year we wonder what the year will bring. It can be a little scary for some who are ill going into it and wondering whether there will be healing or more of the same. For some they are going in healthy and wondering if they will remain healthy. How secure will our employment be, our finances, will they hold out? Will the furnace hold on for another year, the car? Will our kids come back, will they move away. So many questions about the future aren’t there?

Whatever it is that is coming our way, I am thankful, and I hope and pray all of you are as well, that we have Brothers and Sisters who are there for us, rejoice with us, to weep with us, to encourage us, and to uphold us in prayer and the best thing is that we have a Wonderfully Amazing God and Saviour who is on our side.

With God we can face all the uncertainty, all the unknowns, because we know the One who not only knows the future, but holds the future and, as the song says; we can face uncertain days because He lives!

God and family, our Lord and our Brothers and Sisters, these are important relationships aren’t they? And last year our vision was to build on these relationships and throughout the past year I have seen, been a part of, and have heard some encouraging things regarding many of you and your relationship with God and with one another.

I am also thankful for the young people who are stepping up and wanting to be more involved in the work and in the lives of the Church family. I am just as thankful for the “older” people who are looking at ways of stepping aside and letting the “younger” ones make this church their own.

All of this takes work, and one thing the young and old are working on are their relationships within the church. And so, as was the case last year, I plan on starting the New Year off with another series on our vision as it pertains to our mission. I want us to focus on relationships once again, and to see what it means to disciple in the context of our church.

We need to develop leaders, and this process is not always quick. Potential leaders have to be identified, they have to be helped to see their potential, and then they have to be trained in what the Bible is saying about leadership in their particular area of giftedness. I think there is potential in many, but we need to pray for hearts that desire to serve in areas of leadership and the patience and wisdom in being trained; and that is for both young and old.

So I’m excited once again for the opportunity and the privilege to be used by God to serve as Pastor of this great little church and look forward to the new and exciting challenges that every year brings. As I preached on New Year’s Day; it should never be our attitude that; “there is nothing new under the sun” or “same old thing every year”. (With a heavy sigh) Every year is an opportunity to do better; to love God deeper, with more of our hearts and souls and minds, and to love one another in deeper and more meaningful ways than ever before.

Think of how our community, our city, can be changed as they see Christ’s Church immersed in love. All things are possible because of Immanuel; The God who is with us! We can have a great New Year because we have a Great God!

In the preciousness of our faith in Jesus Christ our Lord,

Pastor Anthony