Pastor’s Report 2022

“Even youths shall faint and be weary, and young men shall fall exhausted; 31 but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.”– Isaiah 40:30-31

 I used to play a game at lunch time in high school called football. It wasn’t football… but… it was football. I was much too small, not to mentioned scared to death, of some 250-pound guy falling on me. So, this football was lunch time football played inside on a cafeteria table. It involved spinning a coin and, at the right time, placing the tip of your finger on the coin stopping it with the hope of it standing upright under your finger facing in the right direction so that you could roll it off the edge of the opponent’s side of the table to score a touchdown. It might seem lame these days with the i-phones and i-pads and Switch devices, but it was a lot of fun and passed the time away on cold winter days when we couldn’t go downtown for lunch.

 These days, it often feels as if I’m that coin in our football game; spinning and wobbling as I make my way towards the goal. And often it feels like I’m slipping out from under a finger and falling flat, not making any headway or getting any traction; much like that coin would slip and fall flat under my finger, often giving my opponent the win. The difference between a high school mock game of coin football and real life in real ministry is… I can’t fall out from under the Master’s touch and the opponent doesn’t win; can never win.

 I’m so thankful that we have a God who is right there for us, even though life may be spinning, it’s never out of His control. He picks us up and points us toward the goal and often gives us a push in the right direction. Life can come at a dizzying pace and trip us up and I thank Him for His love and His mercy, and His wonderful, marvelous, matchless, grace. And therefore…

 I’m excited about what’s going on in our little church, and I’m excited for what’s going on in many of the lives I love and care for in this little church. There are some new-er faces around the church and it’s been great getting to know you and hear your stories. There are many who have encouraged me by sharing what they’re learning, and how they’re learning to lean on, and trust, our Saviour. At the same time, my heart breaks for those who are going through very difficult times or seasons. We have some who are quite ill and in need of encouragement to persevere.

 So, another year has flown by and some of those things we looked forward to at the beginning of last year are now but distant memories. I was thrilled to be able to attend the final T4G Conference in Louisville KY last April with an old (experienced) Deacon (Neil) and two of our young and excited to learn Deacons, Jonathan and Daniel.

 Zoom meetings continued to hold a place in my calendar as I was able to connect almost monthly with our BGC National and Regional Ministers. A good number of pastors from the 106 churches came together shortly after Covid started, to encourage the pastors across the country and our National Director Kevin Shuler continues to host the first part and then we break into our own District with our District Minister Ken Wilson leading us in personal sharing and praying specifically for each church and Pastor. The BGC is a great organization of churches and pastors who are passionate about Christ’s mission to reach the lost and hurting.

 Our Church Ministries have slowly started to take shape and we’ve got a couple of Bible studies running; one in person and one with attendees who work shift work or find evenings are not as easy to get out and attend. So that group decides what day and time the next lesson will be and meet up on Zoom.

 Sadly, but knowing all things happen for a reason, our number of Sunday School participants dropped over the course of the pandemic and the decision was made to cut the 10:00am Sunday School portion of our Sunday morning. Instead, it was decided to hold a class for three age groups during the Morning Service. We have a good number of teaching teams, some husbands and wives (good on ya!) that teach on a rotating schedule. It seems to be going well and we praise God for that. I admit it was a hard thing to “kill” as the Sunday School hour has been a mainstay over the 40 plus years of this Church’s existence.

 This coming year, hopefully in January, we want to hold a seminar where the congregation can come and gain a little bit of an understanding of our Constitution. It needs some updating and part of the work needing to be done is to bring it in line with the current polity of the church; it has changed some over the past 20 years. “Polity” is just the word for the organizational structure of the church and how it functions to achieve the desired outcome; our vision and mission. What we believe as our statement of faith is not going to change in any way.

 Last year in January we carried on with a series from 1 Peter and that took us right to the end of May. We looked at month long series on giving and then a summer series called; “Some Songs for Summer”, and looked at 9 different Psalms. And then this past September I started a series in Ecclesiastes and we’ll continue on with that after the Christmas/New Year break. When I first looked at it, I was thinking I could finish the series before Christmas but, it wasn’t too long into my studies that it went from a seven- or eight-part series to now, well, I hope to finish it in 20 or so. And from some of the comments I hear, I think people are enjoying it.

 If there’s one thing I’ve learned over the years is that; over the years situations and circumstances, family dynamics, and people, change. Some for the better, some, well… Well, what I know is that there are two things that never change; 1: The fact that things and people will change will never change, and 2: God will never change; He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

 And so my hope is that we will hold to the truths of an unchanging God and Saviour who loved us and gave His life for us that we might have life; true life now, life that is eternal. And in a day and age where things change fast and we’re expected to keep up and have all the gadgets and technologies, I pray we would keep it simple and keep the main thing, the main thing; having Christ is better than anything this world has to offer. What we have in Christ is far better than anything on this earth so that when trials and tribulation come, we can say, as one song writer put it; “Hallelujah, all I have is Christ; Hallelujah Jesus is my life”!

 “Now may our God and Father himself, and our Lord Jesus, direct our way to you, and may the Lord make you increase and abound in love for one another and for all, as we do for you, so that he may establish your hearts blameless in holiness before our God and Father, at the coming of our Lord Jesus with all his saints. “– 1 Thes. 3:11-13

 Pastor Anthony